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Important Dates:

March 12th: A Night at the Improv Performance
April 2nd: First day of Henry V

Important Dates:

April 3rd: First Day of Spring Class
May 29th: Performance Day!

September 11th: First Day of Class
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Just like Hamlet...and Eggs, we adapt the classic Shakespearean history using original text and our funny style.
The play also features a scene done in the original French.
And we conclude the play with the English and French fighting the Battle of Agincourt.
Swords, Shakespeare and comedy...see you on stage!

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April 2nd to May 28th
Rock Point Church
4877 Bergstrom Rd
Doylestown PA

May 28th

Cost is 150.00 per student.

Click here to register.

TIMES: Wednesdays
11AM to 1:15PM

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An Evening of One Acts Part I: ages 11 and up
11AM to 1PM

The company will be taking on two one act scripted plays, that will take us over two normal sessions. The final day of the fall class, so the group can perform, we will hold "Another Night at the Improv."

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Spring 2018 the high school students performed at the Bucks County HS Theatre Festival at the Playhouse. Our cast won a comedy award for their performance of "A Night at the Fights."

After our end of the year party in 2017, we shot a PSA for the Boredom Fighters of America. Take a look-

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Spring 2018 the high school students performed at the Bucks County HS Theatre Festival at the Playhouse. Our cast won a comedy award for their performance of "A Night at the Fights."

After our end of the year party in 2017, we shot a PSA for the Boredom Fighters of America. Take a look-

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Spring 2016 we created a short film for the teen theatre event:
Homeschool Theatre Gets Real. Take a look, and if you want to download a copy for yourself just visit our
downloads page. Enjoy!

After our end of the year party in 2016, we shot a music video for the classic song "Car Wash." Take a look, and if you want to download a copy for yourself just visit our downloads page. Enjoy!

Spring 2016 we created a short film for the teen theatre event:
Homeschool Theatre Gets Real. Take a look, and if you want to download a copy for yourself just visit our
downloads page. Enjoy!

After our end of the year party in 2016, we shot a music video for the classic song "Car Wash." Take a look, and if you want to download a copy for yourself just visit our downloads page. Enjoy!

Created by the teen group during the "Sketch Comedy" class, check out the song: Cause We're Homeschooled.
To download a copy for yourself, visit our
downloads page. Enjoy!

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Tap or click the pictures below to get info on your child's
class, activities, and extra fun stuff.

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Click below to call, text, or FaceTime:

Contact us today, and find out why
"the world is our stage!"

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