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Creative Theatre is now on Wednesday afternoons!

The program that has been running Tuesdays at Camp Tecumseh for 11 years in Hunterdon County, is now happening Wednesday afternoon at Readington Reformed Church!

Make us part of your school week! It all starts with Creative Theatre!

Creative Theatre: students learn about the stage by creating their own original play-characters, plot, etc, come from their imaginations. And then we tell their story on stage.

The program that has been running Tuesdays at Camp Tecumseh for 11 years in Hunterdon County, is now happening Wednesday afternoon at Readington Reformed Church!

Make us part of your school week! It all starts with Creative Theatre!

Creative Theatre: students learn about the stage by creating their own original play-characters, plot, etc, come from their imaginations. And then we tell their story on stage.

Important Dates:

January 22nd: First Day of Class
Important Dates:

January 22nd: First Day of Class
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January 22nd to April 3rd
(no class March 19th)
Readington Reformed Church
124 Readington Rd
Readington NJ

AGES 7-10
for both

Thursday April 3rd

Cost is 150.00 per student.

Sign up by clicking here


2:30 to 4:30 PM
Performance is Thursday April 3rd at 6pm

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Performance Poetry: America

The free module for the fall is themed America-poets and songs and pieces written about the American experience, or any works by American poets. Similar to what we have done in the past, students will memorize and perform their poem at the end of the session. From America the Beautiful to The New Colossus to Walt Whitman to Maya Angelou, we will cover as much of our history as we can!

Week 1 (October 3rd) we will choose our poems (we meet from 12:15 to 12:30 for the morning group, and 2:30 to 2:45 for the afternoon group). We will then meet again week 6 through 10. The full schedule will be set up once we know there are students interested and attending.

Performance Poetry: America

The free module for the fall is themed America-poets and songs and pieces written about the American experience, or any works by American poets. Similar to what we have done in the past, students will memorize and perform their poem at the end of the session. From America the Beautiful to The New Colossus to Walt Whitman to Maya Angelou, we will cover as much of our history as we can!

Week 1 (October 3rd) we will choose our poems (we meet from 12:15 to 12:30 for the morning group, and 2:30 to 2:45 for the afternoon group). We will then meet again week 6 through 10. The full schedule will be set up once we know there are students interested and attending.

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Click below to call, text, or FaceTime:

Contact us today, and find out why
"the world is our stage!"

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